Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with the MAXQ Value Function Decomposition
Paper authors: Thomas G. Dietterich, 2000,
Link to paper
Post author: Federico Taschin
A hierarchical policy is a policy in which actions can represent sub-tasks with their own policy.
This paper presents a new approach, the MAXQ decomposition, to decompose the Value Function for a
given hierarchical policy in a recursive fashon. It formally defines the MAXQ hierarchy, provides
conditions for using state abstractions, and a model-free online learning algorithm that converges
to a Recursively Optimal Policy.
Define a hierarchical abstraction of how the agent should behave:
The programmer must decompose the target MDP into smaller MDPs (sub-tasks) with different levels
of abstraction. One example is the Taxi Navigation problem in Figure 1. Each sub-task defines a sub-goal.
Figure 1: Taxi navigation problem decomposed into smaller sub-problems
Such subtasks represent smaller MDPs and can have a smaller state and action space. Each subtask
defines its:
Termination states: When the subtask reaches these states, it terminates
Actions: They can be primitive actions or other subtasks. This induces a graph of subtasks
that must not contain any cycle.
Pseudo-rewards: Rewards obtained by ending up in termination states. They are generally 0 for
each terminal sub-goal state and negative for terminal non-goal states.
The MAXQ decomposition for a hierarchical policy $\pi$ decomposes the action-value function of a
states $s$ in subtask $M_i$ as
Q^{\pi}(i, s, a) = V^{\pi}(a, s) + C^{\pi}(i, s, a)
where $V^{\pi}(a, s)$ is the Projected Value Function and represents the cumulative reward of sub-task
$M_a$ starting in $s$ until it terminates, and $C^{\pi}(i, s, a)$ is the Completion Value Function that
represents the cumulative reward of continuing sub-task $M_i$ after having taken sub-task $M_a$ in state $s$.
Learn the whole hierarchy
Recursive TD updates of Completion Function: The hierarchical policy is learned all together by
recursively updating subtasks. For each subtask we learn two different Cmpletion Functions: one used
internally to optimize the subtask taking into account pseudo rewards and one used externally to update
parent tasks using environment rewards.
All states updates and all goal updates can speed up the learning process but must be used carefully.
Theoretical foundation: This paper provides useful theory on learning with hierarchical policies and
state abstraction.
Context-free learning: Optimizing for a Recursively Optimal Policy allows to learn a sub-task
independently from its parent task. This way subtasks to be shared and reused in the hierarchy.
Multi-level hierarchies: The MAXQ decomposition allows an arbitrary number of layers, differently from
the standard Options framework that allows only two layers, and requires sub-policies to be pre-defined.
Subtasks define their own termination states: But since they have a smaller state representation,
this makes impossible to terminate the execution of a subtask from a parent tasks, for example, due
to conditions that rely on a part of the state space not visible to the subtask. This goes agains the
key intuition that subtask need a smaller state representation.
Pseudo-reward is only related to subtask termination: A pseudo reward is awarded whenever we reach
a termination state. This is a great limitation as we could want to introduce rewards that help learning
the subtask but we do not want to count in the value of the parent task.
Inefficient subtask parameter learning: Accordning to the paper, subtask parameters are treated as
completely separate subtasks for each possible parameter value. E.g. if the Navigate task of Figure 1
can be called with the destination as parameter, we would need to learn a policy for each possible destination.