In this section you can find our summaries from Sergey Levine (Google, UC Berkeley): UC Berkeley CS-285 Deep Reinforcement Learning course.
This section contains both basic RL knowledge assumed to be known in the previous course and some demonstrations which we found interesting to add as an annex. In addition we added our own interpretations of some concepts hoping they can ease their understanding.
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, Sutton & Barto, 2017. (Arguably the most complete RL book out there)
David Silver (DeepMind, UCL): UCL COMPM050 Reinforcement Learning course.
Lil’Log blog does and outstanding job at explaining algorithms and recent developments in both RL and SL.
This RL dictionary can also be useful to keep track of all field-specific terms.
If looking for some motivation to learn about DRL don’t miss this truly inspiring documentary on DeepMind’s AlphaGo algorithm.