Neural Network Surgery with Sets

Paper authors: Jonathan Raiman, Susan Zhang, Christy Dennison, 2019, Link to paper
Post author: Oleguer Canal

  • Performing exploration on input features and architecutres for Neural Networks is a highly time-consuming task (often prohibiting). After changing input features or architecture, the network parameters have to be fully re-trained from scratch.
  • This paper introduces a solution which enables the transfer of learned parameters from a model to a modification of it.
  • This allows to continously train the model while performing architecture modifications.


Given a model \(F_{old}\) with parameters \(\Theta_{old}\), and another model, result of a modification \(F_{new}\) with parameters \(\Theta_{new}\) we wish to find a mapping:

\begin{equation} M : \Theta_{old} \rightarrow \Theta_{new} \end{equation}

This can be achieved in 2 steps:

  1. Map input features (\(x_{model}^{in}\)) to all model parameters that relate (\([\theta_{0}, \theta_{1}, ...]\)), for both models. These functions are refered as \(\phi_{old}\) and \(\phi_{new}\), and take the shape of a lookup table with:
    • keys: each \(x_{model}^{in}(i)\)
    • values: list of parameters \([\theta_{i_0}, \theta_{i_1}, ...]\) which are dependent on input feature \(x^{in}(i)\).
  2. Compare \(\phi_{old}\) and \(\phi_{new}\) and use it to compute how to initialize parameters in the new model:
    • Newly introduced features will not share keys in lookup tables \(\phi_{old}\) and \(\phi_{new}\). We can use this mismatch to detect which parameters to re-initialize.
    • Additionally, we can detect keys shifts to know which old parameters should be copied to the new model.

Parameter Mapping

The authors present 2 equivalent approaches to compute the lookup tables of mentioned \(\phi_{old}\) mappings:

  • Gradient Mapping: Based on output differentiation w.r.t. each parameter for an input vector of all zeors but a single one (key position in the lookup table).
  • Boolean Logic Mapping: Based on explicitly tracking when a particular input feature is involved in an operation with a model parameter. Every model parameter mantains a list of boolean flags where a true value means involvement with a given input feature.

Results show that Boolean Logic Mapping outperforms both in computation time and robustness Gradient Mapping.


  • Parameter Mapping Algorithm able to detect 100% of interactions within ~37 seconds (on a 2.9 GHz Intel I7 CPU)
  • Used while training OpenAi Five Dota2 agent: This approach helped adapt OpenAi Five agent’s model. They introduced around 20 major architecture changes over the 10-months training period.


  • Need to scramble through all weights to detect input-parameter relationships. Is there a better way to robustly continue training a model without doing so?

Additional Information

  • Two Minute Papers reviews this approach on a great video